And Jesus Wept, the Sculpture at St. Joseph the Old Cathedral

After the terrorist attack on Oklahoma City, an assessment had to be made on repairing the damage to St. Joseph the Old Cathedral. It was the first brick and mortar church built after the land rush and just prior to Oklahoma statehood.

Stained glass windows in the church were blown inward over the pews and carpet. The rectory was heavily damaged.
The blast killed 168 people including 19 children in the buildings day care. 

The Catholic Diocese dedicated a shrine behind the church of Jesus with His back turned away from the disaster weeping.

These photos of the sculpture reveal the statue and its proximity to the church and the blast site. The immediate wall around the statue includes 168 holes depicting those no longer with us. #fridaynightart

Photos on watercolor paper at $225, signed; or 20x24 on aluminum at $899

sculpture Oklahoma City Memorial ink art by Jim Rode OKC
And Jesus Wept

St. Joseph the Old Cathedral at the OKC memorial, ink rendition by Jim Rode Photographer
St. Joseph the Old Cathedral 


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